Things to Know

Eskisehir, a city with a rich history dating back to 3500 BC, is one of the oldest settlements in the region. It was founded by Phrygians during the 1st millennium BC and has since been a significant historical place. The city offers a range of museums for history enthusiasts, including the Archaeological Museum which displays various Phrygian items and sculptures, and the Ottoman House Museum with a fascinating collection of local ethnographical objects.

There are three prominent tombs in the Eskisehir area, namely the Sheik Edibali Tomb, The Kumbet Baba Tomb, and The Cupola of Alemsah. Other historical sites include the Phrygian Valley, The Falcon Fortress, the Unfinished Monument, and the Gerdek Rock. The Meerschaum Museum is an excellent place to see samples of meerschaum stone, the most valuable and lightest type.

Visitors can also explore ancient sites such as the Midas Site, which dates back to the Phrygian period, and Pessinus-in Ballihisar.

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Places to Visit in Eskisehir

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