Eflatunpinar Hittite Spring Sanctuary Eflatun Pınar is situated in a dry, hilly landscape near the Beyşehir lake, approximately 100 kilometers to the west of Konya. Scholars suggest that this monument was most likely constructed during the latter half of the 13th century BCE, based on its proximity to other archaeological sites and the absence of inscriptions on site. The main feature of this monument is a rectangular pool that is supplied with water from a nearby spring. At the northern edge of the pool, there is a tall wall of reliefs that spans over 34 meters in length. The wall is constructed from large blocks of gray stone that are held together with mortar. In the center of the wall, medium-sized images of the Storm God and the Sun Goddess are depicted on either side of the Winged Sun disks. These Winged Sun disks are supported by ten spirits or hybrid creatures and an enormous one at the top. At the base of the wall, there are five mountain gods that are partially visible. Among them, five mountain gods seem to be associated with water sources like mountain springs. The wall can be interpreted as a cosmic scene with gods and spirits holding up the heavens at the top and the earth at the bottom. The façade of the wall, including the mountain gods at the base, is approximately 7 meters in height and length. On either side of this facade's doorway are a couple goddess figures embedded into the walls of the pond, with a rectangular platform by the south wall that has relief sculptures on its water-facing side. Other sculptured pieces have been discovered inside and around the pond. The largest piece of art at Eflatunpınar, a triple bull protome, is not in its original location. The piece was used as filling for a dam wall made during Roman times on the southwest side of the pond. Eflatunpınar has one of few examples of Hittite Empire Period human form art that depicts frontal depictions, and Fasıllar and Akpınar are two other examples. Due to its proximity to other sites, as well as the lack of any inscriptions found on site, it is likely that this monument was constructed during the second half of the 13th century BCE. Eflatun Pınar's water cult and its integration of water into the site's architectural and religious concept are significant, with the sanctuary having a crucial role in the Hittite religion. The site's unique features have earned it a place on the Tentative List of UNESCO since 2014. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding Eflatunpinar Hittite Spring Sanctuary, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or simply message us via Whatsapp, and we will respond as soon as possible.