Zeugma Mosaic Museum

Zeugma Mosaic Museum

The Zeugma Mosaic Museum is a must-visit attraction in Gaziantep, with an impressive collection of mosaics spanning over 2,000 years of history. Covering an area of 30,000 m², the museum boasts a rich variety of mosaics in terms of subject and color.

Zeugma Mosaic Museum

The museum's 1,450 m² of mosaics includes unique designs that showcase exceptional craftsmanship, as well as 140 m² of frescoes, 4 Roman fountains, 20 columns, 4 limestone sculptures, bronze statue of Mars, grave steles, and sarcophagi. As the premier museum of mosaics, the Gaziantep Zeugma Mosaic Museum attracts visitors from all over the world.

The museum's most notable pieces include a fertility goddess Demeter, Akratos, Euphrates, and Oceanus - Tethys, Perseus - Andromeda. One of the most striking exhibits is the bronze statue of Mars (Ares), the God of War. Visitors can also see the world-famous Gypsy Girl mosaic here, among other stunning works of art.

Overall, the Zeugma Mosaic Museum is a treasure trove of historical artifacts and an excellent reason to visit Gaziantep. With its exceptional collection of mosaics and other fascinating exhibits, it offers a unique and immersive experience that will leave a lasting impression on any visitor.