Balikligol - Pool of Abraham Balıklıgöl, also known as the Pool of Abraham or Halil-Ür Rahman Lake, is a significant pool located in the center of Şanlıurfa. The site is considered a sacred location for Jewish and Islamic legends, with many believing that it is the spot where the Prophet Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod. A nearby cave is believed to be the birthplace of Abraham, adding to the religious significance of the area. According to legend, Nimrod threw Abraham into the fire after the prophet refused to follow his religion. However, Abraham survived the flames as the fire was transformed into water and the firewood became the carps that can be seen swimming in the pool today. The carp are considered to be sacred, and visitors are not permitted to catch or eat them. Instead, they are encouraged to feed the fish. Balıklıgöl is a popular destination for both devotees and tourists, drawing tens of thousands of visitors annually. The site is also home to Aynzeliha water pools, another significant location in Şanlıurfa. Aynzeliha is the place where Nimrod's stepdaughter, Zeliha, is said to have fallen in love with Prophet Abraham. After seeing him thrown into the fire, Zeliha threw herself into the flames as well. The area where she fell is now known as “Ayn-ı Zeliha Lake” and is located next to the Pool of Abraham. Sanliurfa Castle, which overlooks the Pool of Abraham, is believed to be the spot where Abraham was thrown by a catapult. Together, these sites offer a glimpse into the rich religious and cultural history of Şanlıurfa.