Pepouza & Tymion Ancient City Pepouza, an ancient city located in the Karahallı district of Uşak Province, was originally a Phrygian settlement. Between the mid-2nd century and the 6th century, Pepouza served as the headquarters of Montanism, one of the early Christian movements. Montanists believed that the Heavenly Jerusalem would descend to earth at Pepouza and Tymion. This belief attracted followers from across the Roman Empire, spreading Montanism far beyond its Phrygian origins. One of Montanism's distinctive aspects was its emancipation of women. Women were allowed to become priests and even bishops, a rarity in early Christianity. This was rooted in the movement’s foundation by Montanus (not to be confused with Saint Montanus) in the 2nd century CE. However, Montanism eventually declined and became extinct by the late 6th century. Since 2001, archaeologists Peter Lampe from the University of Heidelberg and William Tabbernee from Tulsa have led annual excavations in Phrygia, Turkey. Their research focused on locating the lost sacred sites of Montanism, Pepouza and Tymion. Scholars had been searching for these sites since the 19th century, and their discovery provided valuable insights into the movement. The ancient settlement near the village of Karayakuplu, in the Karahallı region, was identified as Pepouza by Tabbernee and Lampe. It existed continuously from Hellenistic times to the Byzantine era and included a significant rock-cut monastery that served as an important religious center during Byzantine rule. Montanism, though now considered a lost sect, was heavily influenced by the Cybele mother goddess cult. The sect emphasized gender equality, a principle that distinguished it from other Christian movements of the time. Women held key leadership roles, and two of its three founders were women. Montanus prohibited remarriage after the death or divorce of a spouse, reinforcing the idea of lifelong monogamy. He also claimed that, after Christ’s crucifixion, the divine presence transferred directly to him. In a trance-like state, Montanus would preach and deliver prophecies, claiming to speak directly for God. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding Pepouza & Tymion Ancient City, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or simply message us via Whatsapp, and we will respond as soon as possible.