Narligol - Nar Lake Narlıgöl, also known as Nar Lake, is a volcanic crater lake located approximately 45 kilometers away from Aksaray province. The lake is situated at an altitude of 1,363 meters, covers an area of 0.7 square kilometers, and has a depth of 21 meters. The lake's water is brackish due to the presence of thermal facilities in its surrounding hills. Narlıgöl is a dormant volcano that was formed at the beginning of the Pliocene and through the end of the Upper Miocene. It has a history of explosive eruptions producing pyroclastic material, and maars formed by Quaternary slumping. The magma pockets near Narlıgöl are still active today, and hot water is continuously being sent to earth along the fault lines. Narlıgöl's water has high levels of minerals such as calcium, sodium, and bicarbonate, which have been shown to be effective in treating various conditions. The lake's bath is particularly suitable for rheumatic diseases that affect skin health, such as psoriasis. Adequate amounts of sun exposure can also be obtained with minimal risk due to the appropriate dosage. Limiting peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure, and heart rate are key factors that contribute to the success of bathing practices at Narlıgöl. A thermal spring with a temperature of 65°C and a flow rate of 2.5 lt/sec emerges from around the lake. There are two hotels in the area, one of which can accommodate up to 200 people for sleeping arrangements, and another that can accommodate up to 160 people. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding Narligol - Nar Lake, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or simply message us via Whatsapp, and we will respond as soon as possible.