Kurucasile - Kromna

Kurucasile - Kromna

Kurucaşile is a small town situated in the Bartın Province of the Black Sea Coast, located 52 km from the center of Bartın City. This town, historically known as Kromna or Cromna, lies in the Ancient Paphlagonia Region, which roughly includes the provinces of Sinop, Kastamonu, Bartın, Zonguldak, and Çankırı. The Filyos (Billaios) Stream and the river Halys (Kizilirmak) border the Paphlagonia region to the west and east, respectively. Other major cities established in this region include Teion or Teios (Hisarönü), Sesamos or Amastris (Amasra), Erithnoi (Çakraz), Kytoros (Gideros), Aigialos (Aydos), Ionopolis (İnebolu), and Sinope (Sinop).

Kurucasile - Kromna

Kapısuyu Beach, located in Kapısuyu Village and just 3 km from the Kurucaşile town center, is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The beach features safe shallow sections for swimming and offers two pensions and a restaurant for those who wish to stay nearby. Similarly, Karaman Beach, situated on the Bartın Kurucaşile road and 45 km from Bartın and 17 km from Kurucaşile, boasts a 200-meter sandy beach with shallow water, making it a favorite among locals during the summer months.

The harbor area has two small beaches that are suitable for swimming, although most people in the district prefer to swim around the lighthouse. Tekkeönü Beach, located in Ovatekkeönü, is another popular destination during the summer season, featuring a natural shallow sandy beach that stretches for approximately 300 meters.

Gölderesi Waterfall is located 18 km from Kurucaşile town center and can be accessed by taking a 3 km dirt road in the village of Kanat. Finally, Kapısu Stream, in combination with Kurucaşile and Cide Districts, forms the provincial border of Bartın and Kastamonu. The stream offers opportunities for fishing and sports, and picnicking areas are available until the village of Başköy.

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