The Firaktin Hittite Rock Relief

The Firaktin Hittite Rock Relief

The Hittite Rock Relief Fıraktın (also known as Fraktin) is a significant example of Hittite rock art located approximately 50 km (30 mi.) south of Kayseri in Turkey. This relief, created during the 13th century BC, measures 1.3 meters in height and 3.2 meters in width and faces northwest towards Mount Erciyes.

The left section of the relief depicts Hittite king Hattusili III (on the right) offering water from a beaked flagon to the weather god, who holds a crook in his hands. Both figures are wearing pointed hats to symbolize their divinity, and an altar-like structure with a grooved, conical item on top stands between them. Hieroglyphic symbols naming the depicted individuals are in front of each of their heads. The scene probably depicts a ritual after Hattusili's death in the reign of his son and successor, Tudhaliya IV, as Hittite kings were considered divine after their death.

The Firaktin Hittite Rock Relief

In the center of the relief, Hattusili III's wife, Tawannanna Puduhepa, is shown making a libation to the Sun goddess Hebat. An altar and a bird-shaped vessel stand between her and Tawannanna. The design becomes rougher in the rightmost part of the wall, suggesting that this section was unfinished.

The third part of the relief contains Luwian hieroglyphs that continue the description of the queen, beginning beside her head with "Daughter of the land of Kizzuwatna, beloved by the divine."

A concrete copy of the relief can be seen at the Kayseri Museum, and a plaster cast is on display at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. The Fıraktın relief is a notable example of Hittite art, and its intricate details and symbols provide valuable insights into Hittite culture and beliefs.

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