Cal Cave
Çal Cave, situated in the Düzköy district of Trabzon, is a popular tourist destination that offers visitors a chance to explore one of the longest caves in the world, measuring approximately 2 kilometers in length. Located at an altitude of 1,050 meters above sea level, the cave features breathtaking stalactites, stalagmites, streams, waterfalls, and ponds that add to its natural beauty.
The cave is divided into two sections, with the left side comprising a 150-meter long path and the right side spanning a 400-meter long course. Visitors can marvel at the stunning fault line in the ceiling and take photos of this unique feature. Additionally, the deeper parts of the cave, where stalactites and stalagmites abound, are believed to be beneficial for people suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma and shortness of breath.
At around 200 meters from the entrance, the cave splits into two sides, both of which are accessible to visitors. The cave's accessible area, which is paved with wooden walkways, spans 8 kilometers. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful lake and waterfall at the 60th meter of the long arm, while the doline's water flows through the chimney at the end of the small arm. The cave, estimated to be approximately 8 million years old, is a true wonder of nature that has remained hidden from human sight for many ages.