Cacabey Astronomy Madrasah

Cacabey Astronomy Madrasah

Cacabey Astronomy Madrasah is a historical structure located in Kırşehir, Turkey. It was built by Nureddin Jibril bin Cacabey, the governor of Kırşehir, in 1272 as a madrasah that focused on providing education in science, astronomy, and math.

The madrasah features several notable architectural elements, including colonnettes that resemble planets in our solar system, a large observation shaft crowned with a torch that illuminates the study area at night, and an observatory tower intended for astronomy classes.

Cacabey Astronomy Madrasah

The rocket-shaped colonnettes, which are found in three different areas of the madrasah, provide evidence that it was once an important center for astronomy. The most distinctive features of the architecture are the columns situated on the outer corners. Today, the madrasah is used as a mosque and continues to be a significant part of Kırşehir's cultural heritage.

One of the main features of the madrasah is the Coloured Crown Gate, which is considered one of the best examples of Seljuk Anatolian decorative arts. The gate appears as if painted by a master embroiderer with great care and precision, revealing hidden secrets.

The observation tower is situated on the southwest side of the building and stands at a height of 21 meters. The upper portion of the tower features zigzag decorations, while the lower part features plain decorations. Turquoise tiles, visible when passing by quickly, separate these different sections.

In the center of the courtyard, there is an observation well where astronomical studies were conducted. A light lantern is located just above it. Additionally, there are eight student rooms situated on the corners of the main hall, built specifically for education. The columns between these cones and spheres represent planets in our solar system.

Cacabey Astronomy Madrasah is a sacred relic from our ancestors, still standing with its magnificence and mystery. In 2014, it was added to UNESCO's Temporary World Heritage List.

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