Usak Bridal Halva

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı (Uşak Bride's Halva/Uşak Bride's Dessert) is a unique product specific to the Uşak province, prepared with water, white granulated sugar, wheat flour, tahini, and walnuts.

Usak Bridal Halva

Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı has a solid, homogeneous, finely fibrous structure and is characterized by a red and tonal color. Red beetroot dye is commonly used as a coloring agent in its preparation. For aroma and flavor enhancement, typically vanilla, vanillin, ethyl vanillin, and natural flavoring components are used. Additionally, after the product is prepared, walnuts can be optionally added as a decorative topping.

The production of Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı requires skill and expertise, both in terms of the components used and the production method.The geographical region where Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı is produced is associated with its recognition and reputation.

Production Method:

Ingredients and Average Quantities Used for Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı:
50 kg white granulated sugar, 35 liters of water, 25 kg tahini, 10 kg walnuts, 20 kg wheat flour, 1% citric acid (lemon salt), 0.1% food-grade red and tonal coloring complying with relevant food regulations, flavor enhancers, and components with aroma-enhancing properties.

Production Stages of Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı:
Boiling Sugar-Water Mixture: White granulated sugar is melted by adding water, and then it is boiled. A good stirring process, along with temperature treatment, is applied to give the mixture a viscous and adhesive consistency, which is crucial for the quality of the halva. The boiling temperature is important during this stage, and a temperature range of 115-120 °C is suitable for halva production. The desired consistency of the sugar syrup is achieved within this temperature range. Citric acid, a crucial component in halva production, is added during this process.

Mixing Other Ingredients:
The boiled sugar syrup is transferred to the cooking kettle. Subsequently, tahini, wheat flour, coloring, flavor enhancer, and finally, walnuts are added in sequence. Mixing continues during these additions, facilitated by rotating stirrers inside stainless steel kettles.

A brief cooking process is applied to the obtained mixture. The decision that the cooking is complete is entirely based on the skill of the producer, ensuring that the product reaches the appropriate consistency and cooking status. Once achieved, the product is transferred to filling tanks rapidly to prevent cooling.

Storage Conditions and Packaging:
The prepared helvas are set aside to cool. They rest for approximately 1 day and become ready for consumption. Uşak Gelin Helvası/Uşak Gelin Tatlısı is stored in cool, odor-free, dry places, away from direct sunlight. It is presented to consumers in food-contact-safe packaging, complying with relevant food regulations and labeled with appropriate information.