Urfa Tiriti

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

The term "Tirit" is derived from the Persian word "terid," meaning bread boiled in meat broth. Urfa Tirit / Şanlıurfa Tirit is a dish made by boiling the meat of locally raised ivesi sheep along with its bones for an extended period. It is served on Şanlıurfa Open Bread and topped with garlic yogurt, lemon, and fresh green pepper. This dish holds significant importance in Şanlıurfa's social life, being prepared for special occasions such as weddings, circumcision ceremonies, and holidays, as well as being offered as a charity meal or a peace meal. During Ramadan holidays, families who can afford it prepare Tirit on the eve of the holiday, and after the holiday prayers, they open their doors to invite and host anyone passing by their homes.

Urfa Tiriti

Urfa Tirit / Şanlıurfa Tirit is sometimes referred to as the primary offering of Prophet Abraham's table, with some sources mentioning that he was the first to make this dish. Tirit is also known as the "prophet's dish" in Şanlıurfa and is traditionally distributed to the public, especially after the morning prayers. Families with the means would offer Tirit once a year. The door of the house offering Tirit would remain open from morning until noon, inviting friends, family, and those in need to partake in the offering. Passersby would enter the house, and everyone would enjoy this "charitable meal." Additionally, local businesses would offer Tirit to the public on specific days throughout the year. This tradition, rooted in the principles of Ahi Evran, is still vibrant in Şanlıurfa today. As part of the Ahi Week activities, the Chamber of Tradesmen and Artisans Union treats the public to Urfa Tirit / Şanlıurfa Tirit.

Making of Urfa Tirit / Şanlıurfa Tirit:

The separated meat, tail, and bones are placed in a pot with 2 liters of water. If using a pressure cooker, it is cooked on low heat for 2 hours; if using a regular pot, it is cooked for 6-7 hours with 3 liters of water, adding water as needed. Once cooked, the meat is manually shredded into pieces and set aside. Meanwhile, the tail, taken out of the pot, is mashed in a separate bowl and strained through a sieve. Turmeric in powder form is added to a cup of meat broth. The turmeric soaked in meat broth is mixed with the strained tail fat and cooked a bit more. Marrow from the bones, shaken or tapped off the pot's edges, is also added to the meat broth. The bones with extracted marrow are not used in the dish. After adding salt, the dish is served while boiling. If not served immediately, it can be kept ready for serving on low heat.

Presentation of Urfa Tirit / Şanlıurfa Tirit:
The dish is served in a copper plate. Şanlıurfa Open Bread is cut into rectangular or square shapes. Garlic is crushed and mixed with yogurt to prepare garlic yogurt. The crushed garlic, without adding yogurt, can also be placed on a plate for presentation. When serving, the plate is filled with sliced bread, a sufficient amount of meat, and 2-3 ladles of hot meat broth. Crushed garlic or garlic yogurt is drizzled on top, lemon is squeezed, and it is served with fresh green peppers.