Sabanozu Sizzling

Description and Distinctive Features of the Product:

Şabanözü Cızlaması is a pastry produced using special-purpose wheat flour, water, salt, and liquid oil. It is cooked over an open wood fire and on a griddle. The baked Şabanözü Cızlaması has a diameter of 50-60 cm, weighs 400-450 g, and has a thickness of 1-2 mm.The griddle in the oval shape, where Şabanözü Cızlaması is cooked, is coated with a mixture of wood ash and water before the cooking process begins. This prevents the griddle from getting too hot, avoiding the burning of the dough. Additionally, slow cooking is ensured to achieve a soft and thoroughly baked texture for the product.

Sabanozu Sizzling

Şabanözü Cızlaması can be stored at room temperature for 1-2 days.The history of Şabanözü Cızlaması dates back to ancient times. It holds a significant place in the culinary culture of the Şabanözü district and is typically consumed with grape molasses, honey, and jam. Therefore, it is associated with a geographical region due to its unique characteristics.

Production Method:

The components required for the production of Şabanözü Cızlaması are listed below. Approximately 30 pieces of Şabanözü Cızlaması are produced using the following components: - 5 kg special-purpose wheat flour - 10 liters of water - 100 g of salt - 500 ml of liquid oil

Sifted flour and salt are placed in a deep bowl. Warm water is slowly poured while continuously stirring to obtain a liquid dough with a batter-like consistency.The bottom part of the griddle where Şabanözü Cızlaması will be cooked is coated with a mixture of wood ash and water 1-2 hours before the cooking process begins, and it is left to dry. This process is carried out to ensure slow cooking without burning the pastry.

The coated griddle is placed on the stove, and a fire is lit using thin logs and pine cones. The griddle is greased with liquid oil to prevent the dough from sticking. The greasing process is performed using a tool called "yağlağaç" at the geographical boundary. Yağlağaç is made by attaching a soft and absorbent fabric, about 30-40 cm in length, to the end of a wooden stick that is a few centimeters long and folded several times.

The batter-like cızlama dough is poured onto the hot griddle in approximately 500 ml quantities. It is spread thinly over the griddle with a rolling pin, taking care not to let it hang over the edges. The dough is cooked for about 2-3 minutes until it starts to rise and takes on a light brown color. Using a wooden tool called "bükleğeç" at the geographical boundary, the cızlama is flipped, and the other side is cooked in the same way.

Once cooked, Şabanözü Cızlaması is lightly greased on one side with yağlağaç while still on the griddle, and then it is stacked on oiled paper or a tray using bükleğeç. It can be stored at room temperature for 1-2 days and is offered for sale in packaging suitable for contact with food.