Pistachio Green Stuffed

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Antep Allı Yeşilli Dolma / Antep Embroidered Dolma / Antep Summer Dolma is a stuffed dish typically prepared by filling various fresh vegetables with a mixture of rice or bulgur, onions, garlic, spices, and preferably fatty minced meat. Vegetables such as eggplant, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, tomato, fresh and pickled grape leaves, chayote, zucchini, beet, and cucumber are commonly used as the stuffing base. Additionally, green plums, wild sour cherries, or sumac juice may be added during cooking to impart a sour taste. This dish is usually produced during the summer months.

Pistachio Green Stuffed

Antep Allı Yeşilli Dolma / Antep Embroidered Dolma / Antep Summer Dolma is named "allı yeşilli" (meaning colorful with garlic and greenery) and "nakışlı" (meaning embroidered) due to the vibrant appearance provided by the different colors of the stuffed vegetables cooked in a single pot.

Especially associated with Gaziantep, this dish has a geographical connection and is frequently produced during picnic events known as "sahre," special days like Hıdırellez and Nevruz, as well as weddings, invitations, and holidays.

Preparation: Fresh vegetables and grape leaves are washed, and the insides of the vegetables are hollowed out. Eggplants are soaked in salty water. Optionally, zucchinis may have a mixture of salt and black pepper spread inside. The cut tops of all fresh vegetables are set aside to be used as lids.

Rice or bulgur is washed and drained. Separately, chopped onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, tomato paste, and minced meat are kneaded with the inner material obtained by hollowing out the tomatoes. This mixture is thoroughly mixed with washed rice/bulgur until the paste is well blended. The prepared dolmas are filled with the filling, being careful not to press too hard. The openings of the dolmas are covered with the cut tops of the fresh vegetables or peeled tomatoes or grape leaves.

In a pot, arrange the zucchinis and stuffed grape leaves first, followed by eggplants, peppers on top, and tomatoes at the very top. Seal the top with dolma stones commonly used in the region or with a heavy, heat-resistant plate. Add hot water until it exceeds the dolmas by 1 finger. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat but ensure that the pot continues to simmer for the cooking time of 45-55 minutes.

After 35-40 minutes of boiling, lemon juice, citric acid, sumac juice, or sour cherry juice diluted with half a cup of water are added to the dish. Optionally, green plums can be sprinkled on top at this stage.Once the dolmas are fully cooked, drain the water and close the lid of the pot. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. When serving, the drained water from the dolmas can be poured back on top for added flavor.