Konya Paluzesi

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Konya Paluzesi / Konya Palize is a traditional dessert from Konya's cuisine, made with starch, water, and honey. It is traditionally offered to postpartum mothers and guests visiting in Konya, and is commonly consumed throughout the province. Having a significant place in Konya's cuisine, this dessert has a long history, establishing its association with geographical boundaries.

Konya Paluzesi

Production Method:

Ingredients (for 6 people): - 1 L water - 60 g starch - 200 ml honey

Instructions: 1. In a pot with boiling water, gradually add starch, which has been mixed with approximately 100 ml of water and mashed. Stir continuously while adding. 2. After 10 minutes, when the mixture thickens, add honey to the mixture. Once the mixture reaches a boil, pour it into bowls. 3. After cooling, you can optionally sprinkle cinnamon or rose water before serving. Enjoy your Konya Paluzesi / Konya Palize!