Giresun Chubby Hazelnut

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Harvest time: Early to mid-August 10-15 Female flower blooming time (%50): Mid to late January 10-20 Male flower blooming time (%50): Early January 10-20 Fruit Shape: In-shell Shape value and form: 1.11 round Weight (g): 1.46 Shell thickness (mm): 1.01 Yield (%): 52.4 Number of in-shell nuts per kg: 670-730 pieces/kg In-shell fruit size (mm): 16.3 (17.2-16.5-15.4) (length-width-thickness) In the Husk (Fruit Cluster) Number of fruits: 3.45 Shell color: Brown Shell characteristics: Bright-colored, lobed, slightly fuzzy tip Husk characteristics: Long, broad towards the tip, and open with a slight tear Inner Fruit Shape:

Giresun Chubby Hazelnut

Aroma: Distinctive taste and flavor, very delicious, with a unique aroma left on the palate when eaten raw or roasted, a flavor not found in other varieties. Shape value and form: 1.07 round Weight (g): 0.96 Inner fruit size (mm): 13.1 (13.8-13.1-12.6) (length-width-thickness) Dimensions: 6 mm and above Inner fruit skin (Testa) Hairiness: Without hairs Peelability of the seed coat (Bleaching) (%): 96.6 Oil content: 63.82 Protein Content: 16.92

Production Method:

It is a temperate climate fruit type. Cultivation is carried out in places with an altitude of up to 550 meters, with an optimal annual temperature range of 13-16 °C, a minimum temperature of -5 °C, and a maximum temperature of 35 °C. It has a high periodicity trend, requiring a minimum total temperature of 2284 °C and a maximum total temperature of 2572 °C, with an average daily temperature of 20 °C.

The annual rainfall total should be above 700 mm, and the distribution of this rainfall throughout the months should be balanced. It thrives in soils with a pH between 5-7, rich in plant nutrients, with a loamy-humus texture, and a groundwater level that is not high. It is important that the proportional humidity does not fall below 60% in June and July. The plants have a tree-like form called "ocak," formed by the combination of 5-6 branches with a diameter of 5-10 cm, moderately crown-shaped, and reaching a height of 2-3 meters.

Pollination: It is a monoecious plant with male and female flowers occurring on the same plant but in different locations. Female flowers, called "karanfil," begin to bloom in January and are pollinated by male flowers called "püs," which start shedding pollen during the same period. Pollination is completed 3-5 months later. For high fruit retention in the orchard, the varieties palaz, mincane, foşa, and kalınkara, as primary pollinators, should be present in the orchard at a rate of 8-12%. Ensuring pollination with a single pollinator will be necessary for maintaining the quality level consistently.