Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup

Product Description and Distinctive Features:

Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup is a regional soup prepared with strained yogurt, minced meat, chickpeas, and rice.

Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup

The distinctive feature of Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup is ensured by the ingredients used in its production and the production method specific to the geographical region. Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup has a long history within the geographical boundaries and has been featured in many cookbooks, promotional films, and scientific articles related to Gaziantep cuisine. Therefore, Gaziantep Lebeniye Soup / Antep Lebeniye Soup has a connection with the geographical boundary, contributing to its recognition.

Production Method:

Ingredients: - 100-150 g minced lamb - 90-180 g rice - 60-100 g chickpeas - 10-15 g salt - 450-600 g strained yogurt - 1 egg - 20-60 g olive oil - 20-40 g clarified butter - 2.5-4 g dried mint - 5-10 g black pepper

Instructions: 1. Sauté minced lamb in a pot. Add washed rice, salt, pre-cooked chickpeas, and 6-7 cups of water. Bring to a boil over medium heat. 2. In a separate pot, lightly cook strained yogurt, egg, and olive oil for 5-6 minutes. Then, add this mixture slowly to the lamb mixture, stirring continuously. 3. In a pan, heat clarified butter and add dried mint and black pepper. Drizzle this mixture over the soup and serve hot.