Erzurum Quince Stew

Description and Distinctive Features of the Dish:

Erzurum Ayva Yahnisi / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi is a dish produced in the Erzurum province using quince, seedless white raisins, butter, white sugar, and roasted diced meat.Due to the presence of white raisins and white sugar in the content of Erzurum Ayva Yahni / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi, it has an intensely sweet taste. The quinces used in production are not peeled.

Erzurum Quince Stew

The history of Erzurum Ayva Yahni / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi dates back to ancient times and holds significant importance in the culinary culture of the Erzurum province. It is commonly served at weddings, holidays, and special events, establishing a connection between the dish and its geographical boundary.

Production Method:

Here are the components and production method for preparing Erzurum Ayva Yahnisi / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi for 4 people: Ingredients: - 3-4 quinces - 150 g diced beef - 35 g white sugar - 200 g seedless white raisins - 25 g butter - 240 ml water

Preparation of Erzurum Ayva Yahnisi / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi: The seeds are removed from the quinces, and they are divided into 4 equal parts without peeling the skin. Diced meat is roasted over low heat for 45 minutes without using butter. Quinces and butter are added, and it is cooked for another 45 minutes. First sugar and then hot water are added on top, and it is cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. After the quinces soften, raisins are added and cooked for an additional 5 minutes. Erzurum Ayva Yahni / Erzurum Ayva Kalyesi is served hot.