Erzincan Grape Wrap
Product Description and Distinctive Features:
Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu is a traditional product that is made by splitting Cimin Grapes, registered with number 37 as a geographical indication, into two halves, drying the grape seeds, and then stuffing them with walnuts before stringing them on cotton thread for consumption.

The history of Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu dates back to ancient times. It holds a significant place in the culinary culture of the geographical region. Its production requires expertise, especially in the preparation and drying of grapes. Additionally, the tradition involves stuffing walnuts into dried grape seeds and stringing them on cotton thread. For these reasons, there is a connection between the geographical region and its reputation.
Production Method:
For the production of 1 kg of Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu, approximately 650-700 g of dried Cimin Grapes and 300-350 g of fresh walnut kernels of the Juglans regia L. variety, grown in the region, are used.
The production of Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu consists of two main stages: the drying of Cimin Grapes and the stringing and drying of the "walnut kernels - grapes" components.
In the first stage, large grape seeds are selected from the Cimin Grapes clusters, cut in half with a sharp knife, ensuring that the grape pieces do not separate from each other. After removing the seeds, they are spread on wooden pallets and covered with a clean cloth. They are dried for approximately 3 days until their weight is reduced by 75-80%.
In the second stage of production, the dried walnuts are wrapped with dried grapes and strung on threads. Half a walnut kernel is wrapped with three stacked grapes. During the stringing process, it is preferred for the walnuts to be fresh to prevent breakage. Otherwise, the walnuts are moistened in a damp cloth. The next stage of production is the second drying of Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu by stringing it on thin cotton threads in the sun. This stage is completed within 24-48 hours.Once the drying process is complete, Erzincan Üzümlü Sarucu is packaged to avoid contact with air and stored in cool places.