Diyarbakir Meyir Soup

Description and Distinctive Features of the Product:

Diyarbakır Meyir Soup is one of the significant dishes in Diyarbakır's culinary culture. The preparation of Diyarbakır Meyir Soup involves a production method specific to the mentioned geographical region.

Diyarbakir Meyir Soup

In the production of Diyarbakır Meyir Soup, ingredients such as yogurt, durum wheat, egg, butter, water, pennyroyal (yarpuz), and salt are used. The above-ground parts of the pennyroyal plant, known as "yarpuz" in the region and scientifically as Mentha longifolium, are utilized in either fresh or dried form. The pennyroyal plant imparts a characteristic taste and aroma to this dish.The distinctiveness and reputation of Diyarbakır Meyir Soup are associated with the geographical region where it is produced, differing in terms of the components used and the production method.

Production Method:

Ingredient List and Average Quantities Used (for 4 people): - 1 kg yogurt - 0.5 liters water - 1 cup durum wheat - 1 egg - 1 tablespoon pennyroyal (fresh or dried) - 2 tablespoons butter - 10 g salt In the production of Diyarbakır Meyir Soup, the durum wheat and yogurt in the ingredient list are preferably sourced from the specified geographical region. Typically, sheep's milk is used in yogurt production.

Preparation: First, the durum wheat is washed and soaked. An egg is cracked into a pot and beaten. Yogurt is added and beaten again. Water is added and mixed thoroughly. The softened durum wheat, soaked in water, is added to the mixture, and the pot is placed on the stove. The mixture is stirred until it starts to boil. Salt is added to the boiling soup. Near the end of cooking, fresh or dried pennyroyal is added, ensuring it cooks together with the soup to infuse its aroma.

After cooking, melted butter is poured over the soup, and it is optionally garnished with fresh mint and/or parsley before serving. Diyarbakır Meyir Soup can be served either hot or cold.