Cankiri Clot

Description and Distinctive Features of the Product:

Çankırı Pıhtı is a dessert prepared by boiling and cooking a mixture of wheat flour, water, and salt, and layering it with crushed walnuts and either white sugar or molasses. It is then served by pouring melted butter on top.Çankırı Pıhtı has a long history and holds a significant place in the culinary culture of Çankırı province. With a production method specific to the geographical region, Çankırı Pıhtı is associated with a geographical boundary.

Cankiri Clot

Production Method:

The components and production method used in the production of Çankırı Pıhtı are listed below: - 500 g wheat flour - 4 tablespoons butter - 4 cups water - 1 cup crushed walnuts - 1 cup white sugar or molasses - Salt

In a pot of water brought to a boil with a pinch of salt, gradually add flour while stirring thoroughly with a wooden spoon suitable for food contact. Cook until it reaches a custard-like consistency. To the mixture reaching the consistency of custard, add an additional 1/2 cup of water, and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring continuously.

Once the pıhtı mixture thickens, it is spread in the tray, covering the surface, in layers. Crushed walnuts and white sugar or molasses are sprinkled between each layer. Repeat the process by layering pıhtı mixture, crushed walnuts, and sugar or molasses. Melted butter is drizzled over the layers.After pouring melted butter over the layers, Çankırı Pıhtı is ready to be served.