Bolvadin Ravioli

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Bolvadin Mantı; a type of dumpling prepared by rolling out dough made from bread wheat flour, water, salt, and eggs, cutting it into 2.5-3 cm square pieces, baking it, and then cooking it with tomato paste, water, and meat. It is served hot with garlic yogurt poured on top.

The dough of Bolvadin Mantı, after being rolled out, is sealed by bringing together the opposite ends to create a hollow center. The meat used in production is obtained from filet for beef and the leg for lamb, and it is used after being roasted.

Bolvadin Ravioli

The history of Bolvadin Mantı dates back in time and holds a significant place in the culinary culture of Bolvadin district. It features ingredient selection and a production method specific to the geographical region. For these reasons, it is closely associated with a geographical boundary and has gained recognition.

Preparation of the Dough:

Flour, water, salt, and eggs are mixed and kneaded in a bowl. After resting the obtained dough at room temperature for 25-30 minutes, it is divided into pieces of 180-200 g each, and sheets with a diameter of 75-80 cm and a thickness of 3-3.5 mm are rolled out. The sheets are cut into squares with edges measuring 2.5-3 cm using a knife. The cut pieces are hollowed out, pressed together with opposite ends, and arranged on a tray.

Preparation of Roasted Meat:

The meat obtained from the fillet of beef or the leg of lamb is cut into cubes of 1.5-2 cm with a knife and cooked at 180°C for 18-20 minutes until it absorbs its own juices. Salt is added, and it is roasted with its own fat for 20-25 minutes. After cooling, it is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days at 4-6°C or for 3-4 months at -18°C.

Preparation of Bolvadin Mantı:

The arranged mantı on the tray is heated in an electric or stone oven at 180°C for 18-20 minutes. It is then placed on the stove in the same tray, roasted by adding tomato paste. Water and roasted meat are added, stirred 2-3 times, and cooked at 100-115°C for 15 minutes.

For every 100 g of yogurt sauce, 5-6 g of garlic is peeled and grated, or 0.5 g of salt is crushed with garlic in a mortar, mixed with yogurt to form a homogeneous mixture. The garlic yogurt sauce is prepared fresh before pouring it over the mantı. Approximately 40-60 g of garlic yogurt sauce is added to each portion.

The cooked Bolvadin Mantı is served hot after pouring garlic yogurt over it, sprinkling red pepper, and optionally black pepper.Baked hollow Bolvadin Mantı dough can be stored in the refrigerator in food-safe containers or refrigerator bags for up to 1 month. However, Bolvadin Mantı with garlic yogurt should be consumed immediately.