Arycanda Ancient City

Arycanda Ancient City

Arycanda, also known as Arykanda, is a remarkable Lycian destination situated on a mountain slope. The city is constructed on five ascending terraces, offering a stunning view of the valley below and making it one of Turkey's most spectacular sites. The name "Arycanda" indicates its Anatolian origin, dating back to the second millennium BC. Recently, during excavations, some of the oldest coins of Lycia (5th century BC) were discovered, and the site is still under continuous excavation.

Despite enduring through Byzantine times, the settlement eventually moved to a new location south of the modern road in the 9th century. However, the recent restoration and excavation work has revealed a beautifully preserved city that appears as an architectural model.

Arycanda Ancient City

The largest bath complex in Lycia, which remains virtually intact, is located in Bath. This complex features a series of arches situated next to the gymnasium on the lowest terrace.

Additionally, the Agora, a spacious and level marketplace that faces south, is located to the south of the Odeon. The eastern part of this marketplace still contains several shops, and it was enclosed on its southern side by a portico.

The Amphitheatre, which is in excellent condition, was constructed during the 2nd century AD and comprises 20 rows of seats that are divided into seven sections. Each row has holes that were used to support protective awnings.

Finally, the Odeon was built during the 2nd century AD, and its main entrance faces south with a triple portal. Originally, this structure had impressive marble features such as interior walls lined with sculptures, tiles adorned with portraits of Emperor Hadrian and masks.

Bath boasts several historic structures that are worth exploring. The stadium, dating back to the Hellenistic period, takes the form of a running track that measures 106m x 17m. The stadium only has some step-like seats remaining on its north side.

There are two necropolises, with the one located at the entrance to the site being particularly intriguing due to its richly decorated funerary monuments. The other necropolis, situated in the eastern region, contains rock-cut tombs and barrel-vaulted tombs.

The Council's meeting place, the Bouleuterion, is situated on the northwest slope of the city and is accessible via a long stoa. The building, which cuts into a mountain slope, features rows of seats that were cut from the living rock.

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