Amasya Keskegi

Description and Distinguishing Features of the Product:

Amasya Keşkeği is produced using cracked wheat for keşkek, lamb meat, beef bone marrow, lamb tail fat, chickpeas, fenugreek, salt, and water. It is cooked in a special pot called "cab" within the geographical border and baked in a stone oven with wood fire for at least 12 hours. No tomato paste is used in its production, but an optional sauce can be prepared by mixing the excess fat accumulated on the cooked keşkek with tomato paste and hot water, and this sauce can be poured over the keşkek before serving.

Amasya Keskegi

The components used in the production of Amasya Keşkeği are not pounded; they are placed whole in the pot. Therefore, even after cooking, the individual components are visible. Amasya Keşkeği has a long history and holds a significant place in the culinary culture of Amasya province. It is always served on special occasions such as weddings. Hence, it has a connection to the geographical region and a reputation.

Production Method:

The production of Amasya Keşkeği involves the following components: - 1 kg cracked wheat for keşkek - 500 g lamb meat - 200 g beef bone marrow - 200 g lamb tail fat - 100 g chickpeas - 30 g fenugreek - 30 g tomato paste - 10 g salt - 4 liters of water

The cracked wheat for keşkek, lamb meat, fenugreek, chickpeas, lamb tail fat, salt, bone marrow, and water are placed in the keşkek pot (cab), and the lid is closed. The pot is then placed in a stone oven heated with wood fire. It is cooked for a minimum of 12 hours. During the cooking process, fat accumulates on top of the keşkek. In a pan, the collected fat is mixed with tomato paste and hot water to prepare a sauce for the keşkek.Amasya Keşkeği is typically served in a deep plate. Optionally, the sauce prepared with the meal's fat can be poured over it before serving.