Alucra Capricorn Kebab

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Alucra Goat Kebab is a kebab produced by baking young black goats, weaned and under one year old, weighing 10-15 kg carcass, using a region-specific technique from early July to the end of October. Thanks to its unique production method, Alucra Goat Kebab can remain fresh for 2-3 days at room temperature and can be stored for 2-3 months during winter conditions. Due to this feature, it has been historically preferred as a winter dish in the region and used as a travel food for those going abroad. Alucra Goat Kebab is consumed cold, and the meat is tender, dispersing in the mouth when eaten.

Alucra Capricorn Kebab

The oven used in the production of Alucra Goat Kebab is a type of oven constructed with dome-shaped stones called "has taş" in the region and coated with mud mortar made from soil. The interior of the oven does not have plaster, and the stone protrusions create a rough surface. Gravel mixed with stream sand is spread on the oven floor, and "has taş" is placed on it to create a flat surface. "Has taş" has the property of retaining heat well and forming a roasting surface. It is a type of basalt rock resistant to temperatures up to 500 °C, absorbing heat and taking about 12 hours to cool down. The mud coating's property is to prevent cracking with temperature changes and retain heat. The oven's base is circular with a diameter of approximately 160 cm, and the ceiling is 65-70 cm high. The mouth of the oven is about 50x65 cm in size. The chimney of the oven is located on the upper part of the mouth, externally.

In the ovens where Alucra Goat Kebab is cooked, red pine wood, commonly found in the region, is used as fuel.Having a very old tradition, Alucra Goat Kebab is still sold by weight at the Alucra district market and nearby district markets.

Production Method:

Preparation of Goats before Cooking: In the production of Alucra Goat Kebab, young black goats, weaned and under one year old, weighing 10-15 kg carcass, are used from early July to the end of October. The goats are slaughtered a day before, and after completely removing internal organs and cleaning under hygienic conditions, they are rested in a +4 °C refrigerator. The next day, the goats' carcasses taken out of the refrigerator are cut with a knife in their insides, outsides, and coarse parts of the meat, seasoned with rock salt, covered with a clean cloth, and left to rest for one hour. For seasoning a 10-15 kg goat carcass, 600-700 grams of rock salt are used.

Cuts are made with a knife on the meat at the abdominal cavity level of the rested goat carcasses, and their front and rear legs are placed in the opened holes. The goats are now ready for cooking.

Preparation of the Oven and Cooking Alucra Goat Kebab: The night before cooking, the oven is lit with red pine wood. In the early morning, the oven is checked, and when the inside reaches the ideal temperature (200-250 °C), it is cleaned with a wet cloth to remove ashes and embers. The oven floor is manually checked for readiness. Thick boards, obtained from pine, beech, oak, and acacia trees and known as "mara," are arranged in the lower part of the cleaned oven, leaving at least minimal gaps. The prepared goat carcasses are placed inside the oven.

The oven door is closed, and the surroundings are sealed with a mud mortar prepared with soil to prevent air from entering. About 1 hour later, the oven door is opened, the goat carcasses are flipped, and the oven door is closed again, sealing it with mud to prevent air from entering. This process continues for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Afterward, the goat carcasses are taken out of the oven and placed on clean cloths to cool. Once cooled, the Alucra Goat Kebab is shredded and made available for sale by weight.