

The Akdeğirmen is a historic mill located in Kızıltahta village on the Ceyhan River, within the Karataş district. Despite its historical significance, the mill has not been fully recognized as a historic building.


Constructed as an extension to bridge piers that enter the river's waters, the mill is believed to date back to the time of Roman rule. The Akdegirmen Bridge, on which the mill is located, is also of historical importance and is believed to have been built by the Romans in the 3rd century AD using rocks and concrete, which makes it highly stable in water. While the structure was used until the 1960s, it was unfortunately abandoned in the following years.

With restoration efforts currently underway, the historic bridge and mill are expected to become a major attraction for tourism activities in the Ceyhan area. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the area's rich history while admiring the unique architecture of the Akdegirmen Bridge and mill.

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