Afyon Velense Dough Vaccine

Description and Distinguishing Features of the Product:

Afyon Velense Dough Dish is made by kneading dough, cutting it into square shapes, drying it, and then boiling it before adding sauce. Afyon Velense Dough Dish can be consumed either hot or cold. It is traditionally served during various events in Afyonkarahisar, such as condolences, circumcision ceremonies, pilgrimages, groom's henna night, hand-kissing ceremonies, dowry reduction, etc. Therefore, it is closely tied to the geographical region of Afyonkarahisar.

Afyon Velense Dough Vaccine

Flour is poured onto a flat surface. A hollow is created in the center of the mass of flour, eggs are cracked into this hollow, and they are thoroughly mixed. Olive oil and salt are added to the resulting mixture, and it is kneaded until a homogeneous dough is obtained. The dough is then covered with a thin cloth and left to rest. From the rested dough, pieces the size of a palm are taken, rolled out with a rolling pin (oklava) into thick sheets with a diameter of approximately 60 cm. The sheets are cut into square shapes of about 2 cm, placed on a tray sprinkled with flour, lightly dusted with flour, and left to dry.

Once the dough sheets are dry, they are boiled in a pot. After boiling, they are removed from the boiling water using a skimmer, drained, and placed on a serving plate.

While the dough sheets are drying, the sauce is prepared. Garlic is crushed and mixed with yogurt. This mixture is poured over the dough sheets on the serving plate. Melted butter, prepared in a pan, is also poured over the garlic yogurt to make it ready for serving.

Afyon Velense Dough Dish / Afyonkarahisar Velense Dough Dish, in its dried form, can be packaged and sold in various weights. The product is offered in two types of packaging. The first is placed in a plastic, single-use, transparent box with a lid for sale. The second type is made from a cotton cloth bag, with the front part transparent to reveal the inside of the bag, also available for sale. Afyon Velense Dough Dish / Afyonkarahisar Velense Dough Dish can be stored both before and after opening throughout its shelf life.

Production, Processing, and Other Operations Within Geographical Boundaries:

The production of Afyon Velense Dough Dish / Afyonkarahisar Velense Dough Dish, with a history dating back to ancient times, requires skill and expertise, and it is closely associated with the geographical boundaries and traditional production methods of the region. Therefore, the production and drying of the dough should take place within the specified geographical boundaries.