Adıyaman Besni Grape

Characteristics of Fresh Adıyaman Besni Grape:

The grains are large (347.11 ± 65.59 mm²), homogeneous, of medium length (21.02 ± 2.24 mm), and have a short oval (inverted egg-shaped) shape. The skin is thin (116.02 ± 17.51 µ) and green-yellow in color. The flesh hardness is very high (1.51 ± 0.33), colorless, seedless, and flavorless. The stalk of the grape is short (7.74 ± 1.23 mm), and it easily breaks away from the cluster (0.13 ± 0.06 kg). It contains 2-3 seeds. The flowers are female, and the clusters are formed on the 3-4 nodes of the summer shoots.

Adıyaman Besni Grape

Phenological Characteristics:

Winter buds begin to awaken in the first and second weeks of April, and the full flowering period occurs around the middle of May (2nd-3rd week). Fruit drop, on the other hand, takes place in the fourth week of July. Fruit maturity, falling between the 10th and 25th days of August, is in the intermediate-late group.

The ripening of Adıyaman Besni Grape depends not only on temperature but also on specific temperature levels during certain periods. The Effective Temperature Sum (ETS) in the regions where Adıyaman Besni Grape is cultivated ranges from 2733 to 3155 day-degrees Celsius. During the full flowering period, it requires 571-610 day-degrees Celsius, while during the fruit drop period, it demands 2203-2489 day-degrees Celsius of ETS. This creates an optimal period range for the phenological stages of Adıyaman Besni Grape.

Soil Structure:

The average soil properties of the vineyard areas in the Besni district have a loamy texture. The region, characterized by its topographical structure, has soils with low organic matter content (1-2%), slightly alkaline (pH 7.4-8.4), and non-saline characteristics, with low lime content (1-10%). Adıyaman Besni Grape, when fresh, has a green-yellow color, and when dried, it has a golden amber color, easily distinguishable from other raisins. The high potassium content (40-200 K2O kg/ha) and low phosphorus content (4-12 P2O5) in the region's vineyards contribute to Adıyaman Besni Grape having an average ash content of 2.58 ± 0.01 g/100g and a slightly acidic (pH 4.41 ± 0.01) (TA %0.47±0.01) aroma, differentiating it from Besni variety raisins obtained elsewhere.

Rainfall and Altitude:

One of the fundamental reasons that give Adıyaman Besni Grape its distinctive features is the altitude and rainfall regime of the region. The altitude (1050 m) and annual rainfall total (565 mm) of the district contribute to Adıyaman Besni Grape having a sweeter taste after drying compared to other grape varieties (Sucrose %2.74 ± 0.02; Glucose %50.35 ± 0.01; Fructose %46.91 ± 0.01), and reaching a high dry matter (%82.40 ± 0.01 Brix) content in a short period (7-10 days) after drying. Additionally, due to the low base water levels in the lands where the vineyards are established in the district, the dry matter level in fresh grapes is closer to the desired level in dried grapes.