Fethiye Tarhana

Description and Distinguishing Features of the Product:

Fethiye Tarhana is a specific type of tarhana prepared in the Muğla province, particularly in the Fethiye and Seydikemer districts. It is made by mixing and kneading wheat, yogurt, dry beans, chickpeas, corn, millet, cornelian cherry, red pepper, onions, tomatoes, sourdough, garlic, mint, thyme, and salt according to the appropriate technique. The resulting dough undergoes fermentation and is later dried and crushed or ground.

Fethiye Tarhana

The grains and legumes used for production are ground and sieved through a fine sieve. The residue left under the sieve is commonly referred to as "göce unu" in the local dialect, and this component is why it is also known as "göceli tarhana."

Fethiye Tarhana distinguishes itself from other tarhana varieties due to its unique production method and the specific components used. It is closely associated with the Fethiye and Seydikemer districts in the Muğla province. The history of Fethiye Tarhana indicates a tradition of communal cooperation ("imece") in its production, and it has been passed down through generations, often being served to guests.

Fethiye Tarhana, thanks to its ingredients, exhibits shades of red, yellow, and orange colors, with a fine granular form, a shiny appearance, no clumps, and containing spice, grain, and legume particles. It has a spice flavor and a slightly sour taste.In the production of Fethiye Tarhana, no food additives, flavors, or flavor-enhancing food components are used. It is presented to consumers either in bulk form or in packaging suitable for food contact, and it can also be consumed by preparing it as soup.

Production Stages of Fethiye Tarhana:

The production of Fethiye Tarhana involves careful selection and preparation of its components, cleaning, sorting, obtaining the dough, fermentation, drying the product, grinding, etc. Skillful craftsmanship plays a crucial role in all these stages.

Preparation of Tarhana Dough:
- Dry onions, garlic, red pepper, tomatoes, mint, and thyme are washed, cleaned, sorted, and finely chopped or grated after soaking in plenty of water. - Placed in a large pot or cauldron, onions, garlic, red pepper, tomatoes, and all these components are added in a way that thyme and mint are at the bottom of the pot. Salt is added to the mixture, thoroughly mixed, and partially cooked. - Especially excess parts of thyme and mint are removed from the used components, and the mixture is transferred to another pot or cauldron for continued cooking. - Meanwhile, wheat, corn, chickpeas, dry beans, and "börülce" (a type of legume known locally as "karnıkara") are ground to be finer than fine bulgur used for köfte. The resulting mixture is sieved through a fine sieve, and the residue, known as "göce unu," is kept separately after adding enough salt.

Tarhana Dough Preparation:
- Gradually add "göce unu" to the cooking mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a thick consistency is achieved. Not all "göce unu" is used at this stage. - Once the stirring is complete, sourdough is added to the mixture, and the kneading stage begins. The fermented mixture is kneaded until it becomes a fluid and thick dough, resulting in the tarhana dough.

- The fermentation time varies depending on the ambient temperature and the season. In summer, fermentation takes approximately 1 week, while in the fall, it may take 1-2 weeks. The mixture is regularly stirred every day, leading to foaming and fermentation.

Kneading and Drying:
- A portion of the "göce" part of the dough taken from the cauldron is added to the remaining "göce unu." All these components are thoroughly mixed in a technically appropriate manner or by using the method of placing one set of fabric sheets over the other. The mixture is then left to cool.

Drying and Grinding:
- Pieces of dough are taken, flattened, and laid on clean and food-contact-safe fabric sheets or covers. They are left to dry in a place without direct sunlight to preserve the nutritional value and color of the tarhana. The dried dough pieces are turned upside down the next day, crumbled, and ground. Afterward, they are passed through a sieve or strainer. The crumbled tarhana is spread in a thin layer on the fabric sheets again and left for final drying.

Storage Conditions, Packaging, and Market Presentation:
- Fethiye Tarhana is preferably packaged in bulk or food-contact-safe packages, often placed in cloth bags, complying with relevant food regulations and labeling requirements. - Throughout all stages until reaching the end consumer, Fethiye Tarhana is stored in clean and dry places, protected from odors, in a cool environment, and shielded from direct sunlight.

Cooking and Serving:
- Care is taken in both the preparation and cooking of Fethiye Tarhana. To prepare it as a soup, start by adding approximately 100g of butter or 100ml of sunflower oil/olive oil to a pot. Add about 10g of ground red pepper. Pour in 2 liters of water and approximately 150g of tarhana. Stir the mixture on low heat until it boils. Once it reaches the desired consistency, remove it from the heat and serve it hot.